Friends of Ukraine Defence Forces Fund
The FUDF Fund does not provide official income tax receipts. If you wish to receive an official income tax receipt, please click on the link https://bcufoundation.com/donate-today/ and you will be redirected to the BCU Foundation-Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund. Donate to the BCU Foundation-Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund and receive an official income tax receipt.
Your support will help Ukraine's heroes to defend their country.
Friends of Ukraine Defence Forces (FUDF) Fund was established in 2014 in response to the unprovoked aggression of Russia in eastern Ukraine. In the past 8 years, Ukraine has been fighting a war, while the Ukrainian Defence Forces as well as volunteer battalions have been fulfilling their duty in defending their nation.
Donors of the FUDF Fund have been assisting those serving in the Armed Forces as well as the casualties of war, displaced persons, families of those serving and children who have lost a parent due to war.
The FUDF Fund, organized by the League of Ukrainian Canadians and the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women, has supported the servicemen and women of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. FUDF Fund has raised over $3,000,000 and provided defensive body armour, medical supplies, hygiene products and other humanitarian assistance necessities.
FUDF provides non-lethal military items such as defensive body armour, as well as first aid medical kits and other medical supplies, hygiene products, non-perishable food and spiritual materials.
Fallen & Wounded
FUDF ensures that soldiers who have suffered lifelong injuries or losses in protecting Ukraine can continue to live a high quality of life by strengthening their mental and physical capabilities.
FUDF offers support to children and families of servicemen and women who have lost their life in the fight for sovereignty and freedom of Ukraine.

“What the Ukrainians are doing is the most heroic goddamn thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
— Andrew Coyne, Columnist, Globe and Mail
Make a donation today
The FUDF Fund does not provide official income tax receipts. If you wish to receive an official income tax receipt, please click on the link https://bcufoundation.com/donate-today/ and you will be redirected to the BCU Foundation-Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund. Donate to the BCU Foundation-Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund and receive an official income tax receipt.
For e-transfers, please send to fundfudf@gmail.com
For Cheque donations, please mail to: 9 Plastics Ave., Toronto, ON M8Z 4B6 Canada
In person donations to BCU Financial Account #68139

“There can be no further compromises; no naive 'resets' or diplomatic niceties. Dictators must be dealt with like all bullies; with resolute unity and force. Ukraine must be re-armed and re-supplied for self defence. And NATO allies, all countries who have in the past risen to defend freedom and human rights from darkness and dictatorship, must stand ready to honour their full treaty commitments.”
— The Right Honourable Stephen J. Harper on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24, 2022
Tracking the War in Ukraine
13,000+ Casualties
According to the United Nations, more than 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014.
1,500,000+ Displaced
The contact line continues to divide families and communities, infringing daily the right to freedom of movement.
450+km Frontline
Despite the 2015 ceasefire, Russian continue to tradefire along the 450-km frontline which turned largeswathes of the area into a militarized rust belt full ofcontested ghost towns.

Medical Aid

Medical Aid

Medical Aid

Medical Aid

Humanitarian to front lines and those effected by war

Humanitarian to front lines and those effected by war

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Ukraine Frontlines

Medical aid

Medical aid

Medical aid

Medical aid

For questions or more information, please contact us:
Looking for more ways you can support?
The Ghost of Kyiv has given hope to a nation and the world that tyranny and oppression can and will be defeated.
On the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a fighter pilot nicknamed "The Ghost of Kyiv" flying a MiG-29 Fulcrum was unofficially credited with downing 6 enemy Russian planes that would make "The Ghost of Kyiv" the first Fighter Ace of the 21st century.
The battle for Ukraine continues to rage on, and Veridian is donating all profits from the sale of this t-shirt to Friends of Ukraine Defense Force, run by the BCU Foundation.
Show your support for the fight in Ukraine with this t-shirt, designed by Veridian Co-Owner, Marc Mathyk, a fellow Ukrainian.